Song Finder : Music Identifier

Song Finder : Music Identifier

By Cricket Sound Media, S.L.

  • Category: Music
  • Release Date: 2022-07-05
  • Current Version: 6.8
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 185.22 MB
  • Developer: Cricket Sound Media, S.L.
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 16.0 or later.
Score: 4.6
From 5,339 Ratings


Discover the lyrics of popular songs, find out new artists and playlists for free with one tap. Song Finder is the fastest way to discover new music! Search for your favorite song by title, artist and even with a single line of the lyrics. Song Finder makes it easy to identify music playing around you. WHAT IS THIS SONG? Tap the Song Finder button in the app to discover music playing around you! We’ll show you everything about the song including title, artist, album, and lyrics! Open any song directly in Spotify or Apple Music and add to your playlist. SONG STATS FOR SPOTIFY & APPLE MUSIC Get detailed stats about your favorite songs, artists or playlists. Check audio features and popularity of a song with song stats. For artists and albums you can see top tracks and number of followers. Make sure that you are connected with Spotify or Apple Music to see song stats. PLAY FULL SONG After finding the song, you can play it on different platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube. Also you can watch the song video directly from music page in Song Finder. SEARCH MILLIONS OF SONGS Find the lyrics for all your favorite songs or browse what's hot on Song Finder. Discover new music with suggested songs and top songs of your favorite artist. TRANSLATE MUSIC LYRICS Do you listen music in another language and do not know the meaning? No problem! You can translate lyrics to 50+ languages. DISCOVER POPULAR MUSIC Find out popular songs and playlists in your country with Song Finder top charts. Get recommended songs to discover new music. Add new popular songs to your playlist with one tap. KEY FEATURES: - Enjoy lyrics for the songs in your music library. - Find out popular songs in your country with Song Finder Top Charts. - Identify and get the lyrics to any song that’s playing around you. - Connect Spotify or Apple Music to play your favorite music or playlist in Song Finder app. - Easily learn new languages from the line by line lyrics translations to 50+ languages. - Add songs to your favorite music playlist. - No internet connection? No problem! You can use Song Finder in offline mode. - Find out popularity of a song/artist/album - Discover what type of music it is (lively, energetic, danceable, instrumental etc) Do you have any questions for us? We love receiving your feedback. You can reach us from: [email protected] Terms of Use: Privacy Policy:



  • Trial app does not work, iOS 18.1.1

    By OrionEridanus
    I subscribed to give it a try and worked through the handful of subscriptions dialogues etc. Once subscribed the app stays stuck on the splash screen with a spinning wait cursor that never stops. I thought maybe the server was down but I have deinstalled and reinstalled the app days later, cancelled and reinstated my subscription and still no joy. I am running iOS 18.1.1 on an iPhone 12. if it does not work for the trial week period, no way am I forking over a subscription fee. I will try another app.
  • Uhm…

    By .vanilla bean.
    So I was using this to recognize a few songs and it kept popping up the free trial option. I don’t know why, but it won’t let me recognize any more songs and I absolutely hate it. A recommendation to the developers make a pro option instead of just making it have to cost money to use. I don’t think this app is worth $17. And it keeps making me pay. I don’t like this and I don’t recommend it if you are looking for an app that is good for recognizing songs. Not gonna lie the developers are really good at Responding to people’s reviews, but the app itself just isn’t good .(by the way, why is everyone calling this Shazam because this is Song Finder )👎😔❌
  • Shazam review

    By noybnowandforever
    Love this app. Identifies my old songs.
  • useless

    By jacob05678
    used twice and won’t let me until i pay for it, great way to lose people on something 🤷
  • Sadly, 1 star

    By wizequack
    I am on hospice and confined to bed. One of my great joys was using Shazam to identify songs I did not recognize. This app was so promising if only it would rotate to the horizontal view in iOS 17.5.1. My shiny new iPad Air 13 will not go to panorama mode. And I hate needing a copilot.
  • It didn’t work

    By Arandomt
    I couldn’t find any of the songs I was looking for, I even tried humming trendy/popular songs and it didn’t pick it up. I was also very close to my speaker.
  • TMG Don’t Let Me Go

    By YungTMG
    I’m unable to find any of this artist work. Why is it linked to other accounts
  • I agree with this statement wholeheartedly…

    By Muddy Waters II
    If you wanna be smarter than all your friends who are really into music, but don’t use Shazam yet. Start using Shazam now.
  • This is trash

    By Martinioshi
    I literally sang “Kill Bill” and it didn’t work! Then I Put the real song on Spotify and it didn’t work. This is just the worst finder game in my opinion
  • Good

    By blake dp coelho
